Posts in Business Phone Systems
Take a SIP


Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you’ve been told you need it. And maybe you have no idea what the heck it is. At Millside, we can explain what exactly SIP Trunking is, how it works, and how it can benefit your Canadian business’s communication plan. We’ve even included a helpful glossary to explain some complex terms. Ready? Let’s do this.

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Keep On Trunking

IP Trunking or SIP Trunking? Which one is right for your business communications?

For your business, communication is key. You may be considering IP Trunking or SIP Trunking. Sure, they’re only one letter away from each other, but that’s just the beginning of the differences between them. Let us break down the meanings, differences, pros and cons of each one for your business’s communication needs.

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